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Deca is a steroid woman will look for when they want to gain muscle, unfortunately, deca (nandrolone) can have some pretty bad side effects. Some studies say you'll be on deca for a year or more before needing to see a healthcare professional to remove the steroid. For this reason, I recommend you consult with your doctor if you've ever been on deca. What the hell has that been called? Let me see, is it deca? I'm not sure. Do we think women on steroids like to wear big heels (I know I do)? No. Is it because of their estrogen levels (I know I do, but we're not judging)? No. Is it so people will look at them to gauge their body fat percentage? No. No one cares so, no one knows how something will look on an ass so let's get to the bottom of it and look at what deca really is. If someone puts all their effort into gaining just 3 lbs. in a month, well, they will look like crap then. You won't see someone looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but you do see how that person was just as muscular looking. If you're looking like a fat person and not a chubby one, then it is your goal to be lean and toned and not overly muscular. A big muscle doesn't take longer to get stronger than a big fat muscle and so what you're really looking for is strength to go with fat fat. In the gym, when people start to lift weights, they should be building strength. Strength means more muscle definition, not just more muscle tone. The thing is though, no one cares how muscular your legs are… and what your belly looks like. The key is strength and what strength will tell you about you when you are at your weakest. What if we get big on deca? Let's get super serious (in a good way) here. Deca for men is just testosterone (aka DHEA). You will also need to take a pill called decaaprine (Vyvanse) every 6 months. For women, it is known as Estriol (or Dianabol). You must take these pills 2-3 times a week. I guess deca should tell you what your estrogen level is. No? Ok. So your estrogen levels are going to go up so you also need to take a pill that can raise your estrogen. Like any woman on supplements, you'll want to choose the correct one (or order them from Amazon) and stay away from the hormones that mess Similar articles: